
Who needs ⇪ Caps lock anyway?

The so-called hyper-key is a remapping of caps lock to a combination of all modifier keys (⌃,⌥,⌘,⇧), enabling an additional layer of shortcuts. This can be done using Karabiner Elements. BetterTouchTool includes an action to allow this.

BTT also enables my HyperKey shortcut preset, which includes these keymaps:

hyper + bBTT Config
hyper + cRaycast Clipboard History
hyper + eEditor (IDE)
hyper + fFinder
hyper + gGoogle Chrome
hyper + sSpotify
hyper + wWindow positioning
hyper + xXcode


  • Raycast Advanced Settings: Enable Replace occurrences of ^ ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ with ◆
