
Who needs ⇪ Caps lock anyway?

The so-called hyper-key is a remapping of caps lock to a combination of all modifier keys (⌃,⌥,⌘,⇧), enabling an additional layer of shortcuts. This can be done using Karabiner Elements. BetterTouchTool includes an action to allow this.

My favorite use is to trigger Alfred using hyper + a. This is way more convenient and allows triggering a BetterTouchTool action at the same time. BTT also enables my HyperKey shortcut preset, which includes these keymaps:
| Shortcut | Action | | :—————————— | :———–– | | hyper + a | Alfred | | hyper + b | BTT Config | | hyper + c | + c | | hyper + e | Editor (Atom) | | hyper + f | Finder | | hyper + g | Google Chrome | | hyper + s | Safari | | hyper + w | Window positioning | | hyper + x | Xcode |