


Popclip offers many extensions, I like these:

Extension Snippets

It is possible to create extensions using code snippets. Here are some of my own creations:


Use this prompt with ChatGPT to quickly create extensions.

I want you to act as a PopClip extension creator. I will describe what the extension should do, and you should reply with the extension code, with no additional text.
Here is an example of a PopClip extension:

// #popclip
// name: Remove Periods
// icon: •X
// language: javascript
const noPeriodsText = popclip.input.text.replace (/ /g, "');
popclip.pasteText (noPeriodsText);

Note the name should be short (16 chars or less) and the icon should be one or two characters.
As a test, please create an extension to make the text all caps.
# (inspired by https://forum.popclip.app/t/copy-from-address-bar-as-markdown-url-with-title/293/5)
# popclip extension to copy URL from address bar as markdown with title
name: Copy +MD Link
title: Copy
icon: symbol:doc.on.doc
javascript: |
  if (popclip.input.text === popclip.context.browserUrl) {
  } else {

Get Redirecting using my API

# popclip extension to get redirect from my api
name: Redirect API
title: Redirect
icon: symbol:arrow.up.arrow.down.circle
url: https://dnnsmnstrr.vercel.app/api/redirect/***

Quickly spend time for a daily on Gitlab

# popclip extension to spend time on gitlab
name: Gitlab Time Tracking
title: Spend
icon: symbol:clock
javascript: |
  const time = popclip.input.text.trim()
  return '/spend ' + time
after: paste-result


Documented here: https://github.com/pilotmoon/PopClip-Extensions

  • *** or {popclip text} - Selected text